Bienvenidos a este post que por primera vez lo estoy escribiendo desde el lugar en que me encuentro. Estoy en la Reserva Privada “Estancia Salazar”, ubicada en el Chaco Paraguayo, a la altura del Kilómetro 340. Un lugar maravilloso y muy atípico a lo que uno está acostumbrado en la Región Occidental de nuestro País. Fui invitado por mi anfitrión @Anthony_123456, porque quería que venga a disfrutar de su Estancia, a descansar como lo hace él con su gente cada semana, y a desconectarme de la ciudad, como lo hago siempre también yo cada vez que puedo. De igual manera no puedo escaparme de la tecnología y luchando contra la distancia y no disponibilidad de señal en varios lugares, me ubico en puntos estratégicos para poder estar en contacto con mi vida virtual. Estoy en este lugar donde quiero compartirles no sólo imágenes para que pueda disfrutar a través de mi experiencia, sino para que también puedan venir alguna vez si contactan con Anthony. Aquí está estrictamente prohibida la cacería, forma parte de una reserva gigantesca que es la propiedad en sí, en donde Anthony deja que la naturaleza siga siendo naturaleza. Hemos hecho viajes en el interior de la misma, donde aún se pueden encontrar animales en su hábitat, donde aún hay esperanza para los mismos, puesto que no es una de esas estancias como la mayoría, donde se talan bosques para hacer pastura para el ganado. Aquí es todo lo contrario, se le da a la naturaleza su lugar para que la misma perdure y prosiga. Te recomiendo un sombrero y tereré bien frío, porque el calor del Chaco Paraguayo no es para cualquiera. | Welcome to this first POST that I'm writing from where I stand. I'm in the Private Reserve "Estancia Salazar", located in the paraguayan Chaco about the kilometer 340. A wonderful and very atypical of what one is accustomed in the Western Region of our country. I was invited by my host @Anthony_123456, because he wanted me to come and enjoy the stay, to rest as the way he does with his people every week, and to disconnect from the city, as I also always do whenever I can. Similarly I cannot escape the technology and fighting against distance and cellphones signal availability in several places, I'm located at strategic points to keep myself in touch with my virtual life. I'm in this place where I want to share not only images for you to enjoy through my experience, but so you can come some time if you contact with Anthony. Herein is strictly prohibited hunting, is part of a huge reserve which is the property itself, where Anthony let the nature remain nature. We made trips inside it, where you can still find animals in their habitat, where there is still hope for them, since not one of those rooms like most, where forests are cleared for pasture for cattle. This is just the opposite, given the nature place for it to last and continue. I recommend for you a hat and tereré rather cold, because heat from the Paraguayan Chaco is not for everyone. |
Dawn of the second day. Employees working at the ranch begin their work early, here we see the places where are the guest rooms, dining, etc..
Wide corridors where hammocks can be installed and you can let yourself go with the peace and tranquility of the place. There are many sounds of birds and wildlife.
Sturdy walls of this building date back more than 50 years, where they are located more rooms and the dining room.
A quiet place to relax, which can even be camping in the yard, to awaken with the first dawn of the morning as the sun and the climate in the Chaco are not recommended to continue with the sleeping in the morning.
Sunrise on the last day, and I had that magical moment where you can see the moons saying goodbye to the night and the sun starting their journey.
We started the first day of my arrival (at 15:30 pm approximately), with a visit to one of the palm that a few days ago had suffered a fire, caused by people not belonging to the property that wanted to extract honey from a hive and ended up burning more than a thousand hectares.
The property is divided by Route 9 Carlos Antonio Lopez. At present we are in one of the many roads of the ranch, long trails that lead to safe havens closely guarded from furtive hunters.
A jakaré (crocodile) lies in one of the ponds, surrounded by water hyacinths.
Three ponds separated by a few meters from each other, which in 2009 suffered the worst drought where only one of the ponds remained with "some" of water and mud until the arrival of the first rain. Today there are oases for birds, fish and other animals. At present, these waters are not at its best because still have not started the rainy season.
In one of the ponds I could count more than 40 jakarés, having a lot that sank in the water alerted by our presence. The jakarés remain in the water with absolute confidence because virtually no human being comes to this area to disturb them.
We went to the largest lagoon in the Estancia Salazar, as the evening comes dawning red colors with great majesty, offering beautiful scenery in sight.
The birds flew over our heads as they returned to the trees where they spend their nights, while the tranquility of the lake accompanied by sounds of crickets and frogs provided a peaceful environment and visual delight at sunset.
Again, I let myself be captivated by the stars of the Chaco in an open overnight. Here you can see the Milky Way in its entirety, surrounded by this sea of stars that show us how small we are in the grand universe, and the little love we could have to our land if we do not care and value it.
Second day. A "piririta" rests on a pole in the room, without being alarmed by our presence in the van.
We arrived at another pond which is also a paradise for birds and jakarés. Also frequented by capybaras in the evening that come to drink. A white heron almost lost in the vastness of the green.
This vast pond has a spring which allowed to sit for hours enjoying the differente species of birds that fly over and land on its shores looking for insects or fish. In addition, the pond covers varieties of fish, making fishing here one hundred percent a relaxing activity.
In another pond a few hundred meters from the first, a flock of ducks rest and revel in the freshness of its waters.
In all ponds of Estancia Salazar that I met, I found more than forty of jakarés in each one of them. A thing that makes me happy to know that these places still exist in the Chaco.
A large hive of drones around a queen bee in its absolute tranquility, allowing me to get closer than two feet away without any danger.
One of my best moments in the stay was when "Chopeto" (an official of the Ranch) attracted very closest to me this jakaré hu (black crocodile) thanks to a string and a piece of meat. The jakaré stays less than 2 feet away so I can enjoy the beauty of his skin, eyes and can capture these images.
The jakaré posing for my camera again and again, attracted by the bait that Chopeto gave him in reward, while I was inside of me applauded and thanked the reptile to remain in place so I can take more pictures (below between the thumbnails can see this animal in full body).
I could shoot a Teju Lele (lizard), which is very difficult because these reptiles tend to hide in the bushes at the slightest sound that their hear or feel on the ground while we walking.
Entering more around the pond, Chopeto saw a kuriju (non-venomous boa) hidden among the plants.
A joyful finding. Far sighted at the top of a dry tree, we found five Muscovy Ducks (Cairina moschata), Anthony told me that some years ago his father had told him and did not see it anywhere. When we get closer to get a better shot, three had flown into the pond, and instead took two Southern Caracara (Caracara plancus). Muscovy Ducks are the greenish.
A stork (Ciconia Maguari) flies over the treetops.
Nature is not limited to show the beauty of birds, reptiles or other animals, but also the beauty in insects. Here is a Vaquita de San Antonio (Coccinellidae) rests on the fragile edge of a leaf.
A Tuyuyú Cuartelero (Jabiru mycteria) takes flight with our presence, leaving behind his flock, which is still not considered in danger by us.
We return to the ranch for lunch and flora do not want to be left behind and also presenting their best colors of a cactus with flower.
After lunch, we headed to another pond, in the way I found these forests with a real autumn landscape. I told Anthony that there he has to place the banks like a plaza, because it is a wonderful place that conveys peace and to enjoy all its nuances.
After 40 minutes of a path with wild and hidden landscapes, we reach the lagoon. Chopeto was about to fish what it would use at dinner.
18:52 - The sun was rapidly giving his last golden rays behind a forest at the ends of the lagoon.
The evening offered a magnificent watercolor of colors in the sky of the Chaco, under the green mantle from the edge of the pond water hyacinths.
Along the way, Anthony overlooking a Lechiguanas nest (bee forests), which provides the royal jelly, a honey that is a true delicacy of nature. Chopeto prepares to scare away the lechiguanas so we can remove the honey.
In the gloom of a forest, the striking red called the attention of Anthony and we went down to investigate. This is the "Flower of Chaco", common name given to the flower of Caraguatá (Chaguar, Bromelia serra).
Returning to the ranch, I find this sublime landscape, where I went out of the truck and I am behind a small forest crawling on the floor so that birds do not be alarmed by my presence. A Tuyuyú Cuartelero walks among three Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), and I'm full of happiness to see so close these endangered birds.
A flock of ducks flying over the pond that I last visited in Estancia Salazar, and I was thus terminated my journey of adventure and nature.
Anthony me contó que existen dos caminos para tener éxito con una Estancia en el Chaco: 1) es el de talar los bosques y quemar los pastos para que vuelvan a crecer y el ganado tenga su alimento; que es el método más barato pero que es un claro atentado a la naturaleza. 2) es el de mantener los bosques y los "condenados", con su hábitat, utilizar maquinaria para pastura que implica más gastos y correr el riesgo que el ganado sea acechado por animales salvajes; que es el método más caro pero significa una satisfacción personal para él poder mantener este lugar que sus hijos y muchos otros invitados puedan disfrutarlo. Me contó también que tiene convenios con las Universidades de carrera Agroforestal, donde él ofrece a los profesionales que vienen a hacer investigación -así también como a alumnos- la ESTADÍA TOTALMENTE GRATUITA (incluyendo desayuno, almuerzo, cena y cama), porque sabe que estos alumnos el día de mañana cuando sean profesionales son quienes más van a potenciar el cuidado y mantenimiento de esa naturaleza. El peligro en que se encuentra este Paraíso dentro del Chaco, y que ningún medio hace eco de la información, se trata de una maraña de inconvenientes que desembocarán en una gran pérdida para todos nosotros, para la naturaleza, y para nuestro legado como habitantes de este país. Por un lado, la SEAM desde hace más de un año y medio tiene en su poder el "Plan de Manejo" para esta Reserva Privada y los documentos siguen trancados y en lentos procesos burocráticos sin que le den luz verde. Mientras tanto, el INDI desea comprar (inclusive por la fuerza, ya que una inminente ocupación no hará que Anthony entre en una pelea judicial) una gran extensión de 7000ha de este paraíso natural para una comunidad indígena. Lo ilógico aquí es que Anthony consiguió de otro propietario que sí tiene interés en vender, una extensión similar situada al lado mismo de la actual comunidad indígena. Pero ellos se niegan a comprar "ese" terreno vecino, insistiendo en que quieren el terreno de Anthony, mientras la SEAM no le de el grado de Reserva, así entonces las tierras no se convertirían comerciables. Sería una grandísima lástima que 7000ha del Chaco, protegidas celosamente y con mucho sacrificio por parte de su dueño Anthony (y familia), caigan en manos que no pondrán el mismo empeño en cuidarlas y mantenerlas. Es una lástima que Anthony contactó con ciertas personas de los medios sin recibir interés de su parte en esta investigación, y él tampoco es una persona que le guste mucho la exposición mediática, sino que trata de solucionar todo a través del diálogo y búsqueda de soluciones, manteniendo su mismo perfil bajo hasta ahora. El Chaco encierra historia, una historia bañada en sangre porque fue protegida por paraguayos de enemigos extranjeros. Hoy en día, nuestros enemigos de la naturaleza pueden ser compatriotas, quienes sin esmero pondrían en peligro el hábitat de mucha fauna y flora que hoy en día no tienen cómo defenderse. Espero que el día de mañana, estos lugares que visité no queden simplemente guardados como un simple testimonio a través de mis fotografías. Agradezco infinitamente a Anthony por la invitación, porque pasé días maravillosos y únicos junto con él y sus amigos Don Giménez y Erico, donde fui tratado como uno más de los muchachos. Hacía tiempo que quería volver a tener la oportunidad de ver el Chaco salvaje, la primera vez fue hace 20 años atrás cuando tenía 13 años. Pero este viaje fue diferente, y será inolvidable... espero volver a Salazar muy pronto, y espero que mis amigos/as se animen también a venir. Pueden visitar el Fanpage de Estancia Salazar en Facebook y ahí comunicarse si están interesados en conocer y visitar este maravilloso lugar. Espero que lo hagan. | Anthony told me that there are two ways to succeed with a Ranch in the paraguayan Chaco: 1) is to cut down forests and burn the grasses, and let them regrow so the cattle will have their food, which is the cheapest method but is a clear danger to the entire nature of the place. 2) is to maintain forests and the "damned" (wild forests) with its habitat, and to use machines to pasture which means more cost and risk that the cattle could be stalked by some wild animals, that is the most expensive but it means a personal satisfaction, so he can keep this place that his children and many other guests will enjoy. He told me also that he has agreements with the Universities of Agroforestry career, where he offers to professionals who come to do research as well as students, the STAY in the ranch TOTALLY FREE (including breakfast, lunch, dinner and bed), because he knows that these students tomorrow when they became professionals will enhance the care and maintenance of that nature. The danger in this Paradise located in the Chaco, which no one media have been reflected the information, it is a tangle of problems that will lead to a big loss for us all, a loss to nature, and a loss of our legacy as inhabitants of this country. On the one hand, the SEAM (Secretary of Environment) for more than a year and half have in possession, the "Management Plan" for this Private Reserve, and the documents are still locked and get into an slow bureaucratic processes without getting the green light. Meanwhile, INDI (Institute of the Native people) wants to buy (even by force, because an imminent occupation will not make Anthony enter into a judicial fight) a large area of 7000ha of this natural paradise for an indigenous community. The illogic here is that Anthony give them information about another owner who does have interest in selling a similar size are located right next to the current Indian community. But they refuse to buy "that" neighboring property, insisting that they want the land of Anthony, while SEAM not giving the degree of reserve, in a way that turning the land to a non-marketable place. It would be a very great pity that 7000ha of Chaco, jealously protected and with great sacrifice by its owner Anthony (and family), fall into hands that will not put the same commitment to care and maintenance. It is a pity that Anthony contacted some people of the media without receiving interest on their part to do this research, and he is not a kind of person who likes a lot of media exposure, but he tries to resolve everything through the dialogue and through seeking solutions while keeping his low profile until now. The Chaco contains history, a history drenched in blood because it was protected by Paraguayan foreign enemies. Today, our enemies of nature can be compatriots, who without care would endanger the habitat of many flora and fauna that today do not have to defend himself. I hope that tomorrow, these places visited by myself are not simply stored as a simple testimony through my photographs. To Anthony I give an infinitely grateful for the invitation, because I spent wonderful days and uniques, with him and his friends Don Gimenez and Erico, where I was treated like one of the boys. It was a long time that I wanted to return and to have the opportunity to see the wilderness of Chaco, the first time was 20 years ago when I was 13. But this trip was different, and unforgettable... I hope to return to Salazar very soon, and I hope my friends are also encouraged to come. You can visit the Estancia Salazar Fanpage on Facebook and then communicate if you are interested in go and visit this wonderful place. I hope you do. |
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