Luego de POST anteriores donde les compartí imágenes de la tan hermosa Itapúa "Encarnación: ciudad del futuro, presente y pasado", "Jesús de Tavarangüé y las Ruinas", y "Costaneras de Itapúa", el destino volvió a ubicarme en este departamento donde el turismo se vuelve imparable. Sobre mis POSTs, puedo decir que fueron de los más vistos y compartidos, y les agradezco a Uds. por hacer llegar mi experiencia a los demás para que puedan también vivirlas, lo importante para mí es que no se queden sólo en ver las fotos, sino que sientan el aire, el agua, los paisajes, y todo o más, tal como lo hice yo. En este viaje, fuimos de nuevo con @fanyboga, @oponipo, @zpeyote y en San Cosme y Damián nos encontramos con Marta Cañete y su hermosa familia, una amiga con quien nos conocíamos por Facebook y que hace semanas atrás me invitó al famoso "Boi no rolete" en Santa Rita, cuando estuve por Alto Paraná, pero lastimosamente no pude asistir. No se preocupen, próximamente visitaré un "Boi no Rolete" para mostrarles también de qué se trata. San Cosme y Damián, es una ciudad ubicada a 90 Kms aproximadamente de Encarnación, y a 333 de la Capital. Su acceso se realiza por Ruta 1 y luego se toma un desvío que se encuentra después de General Delgado, muy fácil de llegar. Ciudad coqueta, pequeña y que comienza a crecer bastante gracias a todo el movimiento apoyado por SENATUR, con varios atractivos que también la hacen un lugar único. Posadas turísticas, restaurantes, Ruinas Jesuíticas, Centro de Interpretación Astronómica, y lo más imponente que son las dunas, ubicadas en un lugar perdido en medio de la inmensidad del Paraná. Compartan con nosotros este viaje fascinante, a una de las 7 maravillas que tiene el Paraguay. | After previous POST where I've shared images of the beautiful Itapúa "Encarnacion: city of the future, present and past", "Jesus of Tavarangüé and the Ruins" and "Riverside paths of Itapúa", the destiny again place me in this department where tourism becomes unstoppable. About my posts, I can say that they were one of the most visited and shared, and I thank you for extending my experience to others so they can also live them, the important thing for me is that you are not only seeing the photos, but feeling the air, water, landscapes, all or more, like I did. On this trip, we went back with @fanyboga, @oponipo, @zpeyote and in the city of San Cosme and Damian we find Marta Cañete and her beautiful family, a friend whom we knew from Facebook and who for weeks ago invited me to the famous "Boi no rolete" in Santa Rita, when I was in Alto Paraná, but unfortunately I could not attend. Do not worry, soon will visit a "no Rolete Boi" to also show you what it is. San Cosme y Damián, is a city located approximately at 90 Kms of Encarnación, and 333 Kms from the Capital. It can be accessed by the Route 1, and you have to take a detour after the city General Delgado (from Asunción), is very easy to get there. Pretty and small city, which starts to grow thanks all the investment supported by SENATUR, with a lot of attractions that made it a unique place. Hostels, restaurants, Jesuitic Ruins, Observatory, and the most impressive, are the dunes, located in a lost place in the middle of the giant Paraná. Share with us this unforgettable trip, to one of the 7 wonders of Paraguay. |
San Cosme and Damian was another Jesuit reductions, and perhaps experienced the most changes because of their moves, until it establish where it is today. Its main churchburned in 1900 but was restored in 1977.
The Church has 22 sacral figures rescued and restored from that time. Some retain theiroriginal color. These images can be disassembled on parts to be stored or transported.
Former chairs of the Jesuit period. In one of them sat Pope John Paul II during his visit toParaguay in 1988, when he spoke to young people in the city of Quiteria.
The two sides of the coin. Usually in the churches, the image of Jesus on the cross is, representing the pain. For the Jesuits, they use the image of Christ resurrection with his arms raised.
With a sober architectural style, the Ruins of St. Cosmas and Damian remain waiting forrestoration work on several elements. Likewise, the old ruined walls are still preserved with an antiquity of 300 years. In the courtyard are also stone pillars that once were used.
In 1703 came to San Cosme and Damian, Father Buenaventura Suarez, born in (during that time) the Paraguayan province of Santa Fe, now Argentinian territory. Scientist, Physicistand Mathematician, lover of cosmology, was the one that with the help of the Indians built a telescope and observatory, becoming a pioneer in his time. Their advanced knowledgealso allowed the construction of the Sun Dial, preserved to this day.
Attic located over the galleries of the Reductions. From its windows one could see the town, the houses of the Indians and be alert to the attacks of the Brazilian bandeirantes.
Original construction of the Jesuit Reductions that still remains standing.
The roofs are supported by large timber of 15 feet that bind three stone pillars, which arrived here transported by trunks.
Since 1978 restoration work has been done, thanks to several contributions from abroad, and since 1991 is under the patronage of Missions Prokur Nüremberg.
19:35 - Planetarium named after Buenaventura Suarez, who I told you about paragraphs back. In this dome, there is a special equipment called GoTo Nex of high quality and that projects, constellations, Ecuador line, meridians, solar projector , lunar, and others in a circular shape on its concave dome. Thanks to SENATUR work and local guides with a lot ofpreparation.
Here Ramon, the guide took care of us gave us a lively, dynamic and entertaining talk on the history that is enclosed behind Buenaventura Suarez outstanding individual in Europe by the advances in cosmology that had taken place in our country, as well multimediaprojection that spoke of the stars and eclipses. Among other things, we also saw the drawings made by Professor Blas Servin ( which speaks of the"Astrology of the Guarani", with interesting views of our ancestors to the stars. You can't miss it.
One of the greatest legacies of Buenaventura Suárez was his book "Lunary of a Century",which predicted the lunar phases and other things with their hours and days A CENTURY BEFORE they happen!, And with great accuracy. Unfortunately the original book is in hands of Argentina and there was no willingness to bring it back to where it was written here in San Cosme and Damian, but fortunately was managed to get it as a loan to make a reproduction of it. In the side panels this center few pages are outstanding, as of 1811, the year of our independence, which some experts believe was used by the Founding Fathers to know the time of moonrise on May 14 of that year, to strategically approach the Governor's Velasco house at the darkest time and compel him to surrender and claim the freedom of our country from Spanish rule.
08:05 - Flat-boats and canoes sponsored by SENATUR and boaters in the area, are usedto pass through the 23 miles between the Coast Guard and the territory of the dunes.
08:30 - For added safety, the boats do not go if the water is very choppy. The vastness of this lake that occurs as a result of the Yacyretá makes the Parana river become a sea,where you can not see the horizon. The boats are safe and have all the necessary requirements as oars, anchor, life jackets, making a smooth ride, nice and familiar.
09:15 - That is not the sun emerging on the horizon. This is the highest point of the dunes, overlooking dimly when the sun is still high.
09:50 - More the one hour traveling as we were going slowly because of the water, and the dunes can be seen on front. The longing to reach our destination are enormous, there are still some minutes of traveling but we know that heaven awaits us.
10:00 - We arrive, we unload ourselves and our bags. The first thing a Paraguayan does when it gets to the sea is get in the water. The first thing a Paraguayan does when it reach the dunes is to go on top of it and feel the conquest. From there you can see its size
10:29 - The moon arise from behind the dunes, providing a landscape and an unique moment in this country.
15 meters from the coast one can still enjoy the fresh water, clear and not very deep (up to 70 cms). While my other companions take shelter of the force of the scorching sun under the tent. Its important to wear sunscreen, umbrella or tents.
Unusual and unique landscape is offer here. Approximately three hundred meters away is another of the dunes, loss, set in the vastness of the Parana, and is perhaps the least visited, but connected to this one by sandbars. In the larger dunes, there is a very small lake (or a very large pond), a product of the rain.
Datos importantes para que puedas viajar / Important data for your travel
Para llegar a San Cosme y Damián, uno viaja por la Ruta 1, viniendo de Asunción el acceso se realiza kilómetros después de General Delgado, aproximadamente en el Km 300, viniendo de Encarnación sería kilómetros después de Coronel Bogado, aproximadamente en el Km 65. Existe un gran cartel en la ruta que facilita la ubicación.
El costo de acceso a la visita guiada a las Ruinas y al Centro de Observación astronómica es de 15.000 Gs. El mismo ticket puede utilizarse para ir hasta Jesús de Tavarangüé y Trinidad del Paraná, las otras ruinas localizadas a 30 Kms. de Encarnación por la Ruta 6. El ticket tiene validez de 3 días.
Las Posadas Turísticas San Cosme y Damián (vean el Fanpage, donde tienen más fotos), lanzadas por SENATUR en 2011 en un interesante y hermoso proyecto, son casas de la propia gente de la ciudad que abre sus puertas. Estas Posadas se ubican en San Cosme y Damián, en Jesús de Tavarangüé, Sapukái y Trinidad del Paraná, lugares donde existe un fuerte potencial turístico y nula inversión hotelera. Es la mejor jugada que pudo realizarse porque sinceramente, en una posada te tratan como en tu casa, la hospitalidad del paraguayo del interior se siente en su máxima expresión. Nosotros nos alojamos en la Posada 6 Hermanos, de Doña Damiana, una agradable mujer (coincidentemente abuela de Ramón, nuestro guía en el Observatorio) que nos deleitó con sus comidas y con un buen desayuno antes de partir a las dunas. Volveremos a ir a su posada muy pronto!.
Lista de Posadas de San Cosme y Damián, todas cuentan con excelente servicio, gastronomía hogareña, aire acondicionado, ventiladores, camas cómodas, y una atención única. Sinceramente se siente el aire hostalero inundando nuestro interior, donde los principales turistas deberíamos ser nosotros mismos. Aquí facilito los números telefónicos y en cada imagen pueden acceder a su ubicación que las creé en Google Maps, gracias a que tengo usuario avanzado.
Posada "6 Hermanos"
Tel: (073) 275-211 // (0985) 823-264
Posada "Aguapey"
Tel: (073) 275-293
Posada "Cielo"
Tel: (0985) 210-393
Posada "Leoncito"
Tel: (073) 275-227
Posada "B y G"
Tel: (073) 275-272
Posada/Restaurante "Stella Mary"
Tel: (073) 275-207
Posada "Alex"
Tel: (0985) 811-198
Posada "Doña Chinita"
Tel: (073) 275-263
Posada "Lelia"
Tel: (073) 275-368
Para llegar a las dunas, deben comunicarse con Carolina Ibarra, quien es la encargada de centralizar y canalizar el alquiler de las lanchas y el acceso a las dunas. Las lanchas parten desde las 08:00 de la mañana si hay gente, lo mejor es organizar grupos. El número de teléfono de Carolina es el (0985) 110-047, y se parte desde la Prefectura Naval.
La lancha para 5 personas cuesta 500.000 Gs, la lancha para 10 personas cuesta 600.000 Gs. Existen lanchas para más de 15 personas.
Nosotros tuvimos un recargo más de 100.000 Gs (sobre el precio final) para poder quedarnos en las dunas más tiempo (salimos a las 08:40, volvimos a las 16:45, incluyendo los tiempos de navegación en el bote).
Llevar abundante bloqueador solar, bronceador, toldos, sombrillas, sillas, comida y bebida. Lo más importante: una bolsa para depositar sus basuras y TRAERLAS DE NUEVO A TIERRA FIRME!!!!, si queremos que esto sea un paraíso comencemos a tratarlo como tal y no como un basurero o un yuyal. Para ese caso le sugerí a Carolina que tenga bolsas de basura en la Prefectura y se las entregue a cada grupo, y le pida que le traigan las bolsas a su retorno, y que les cobre un buen recargo si así no fuere. Me parece la medida más acertada.
Gracias por tu tiempo, espero que te haya gustado ver de nuevo un post donde intento rescatar de forma positiva nuestras bellezas naturales y paraísos. Gracias además a Karen Iseas por su invaluable labor en la traducción. Habrá gente con mala onda que diga que las dunas antes eran más grandes, etc, etc, es gente a la que le gusta quejarse o quizás con soberbia decir que estuvieron en ese momento. Las dunas siguen siendo bellas, mágicas, paradisíacas. Con la explosión turística que se desarrolla en la zona, San Cosme y Damián crece, y eso le permite que se pueda proyectar e invertir más en la zona, dicha inversión se trata de muelles, embarcaderos, e inclusive la posibilidad de que una draga permita "mantener" las dunas, patrocinado por la EBY e impulsado por la SENATUR y la propia comunidad. Desde 2009 quería visitar este lugar, porque existía la amenaza de que se iban a hundir con la subida de la cota de Yacyretá. Eso no fue así, puesto que ya hacía un tiempo que esa cota llegó a su máximo nivel y las dunas permanecían. Yo de igual modo pensaba de la manera más lógica: las dunas en el desierto se mueven con la erosión eólica, pero es arena que termina encima de más arena. Aquí sabía que no era lo mismo porque se trata de arena que termina en el río. Es por eso la importancia de un sistema de draga que permita lavar la arena y mantener esta belleza. Si vas a visitar las dunas, tenés que tener en cuenta que no hay sombra, no hay servicios básicos, sí hay señal de celular (Tigo 3G y HSPA) en el sector de desembarco; así que para tener un día inolvidable y cómodo te conviene llevar tu comida, tu bebida, tu propio toldo, también tus sombrillas y sillas o bien alquilarlas desde la Prefectura Naval, con Carolina que está ahí para atenderte. Más información encuentran en SENATUR, o en el Fanpage de las Posadas Turísticas. Aquí traté de compartirles lo que pude, respecto a mi propia experiencia, ahora quiero conocer la de Uds. por si les pareció tan hermoso y bello como lo fue para mí. Vení, Paraguay te espera (slogan de Bienvenido a Paraguay, mi proyecto "buque insignia"). | Thanks for your time, I hope you've enjoyed to see a new post where i try to rescue a positive view about our beauty and natural paradises. Thanks also to Karen Iseas for her invaluable work in translation. There will be people with bad mood who is going to say that dunes often were biggers and so on, but maybe they are people which like to complaint or maybe with arrogance say they witnessed the time when dunes were giants. The dunes still stay beauty, magic and heavenly. With the tourism growing in the area, San Cosme y Damian also grows, and that allow them to proyect and invest in the city, with quay, dockin bays, and even a dradge that can be placed to "mantain" the dunes, sponsored by EBY and boosted by SENATUR and the city. Since 2009 I wanted to visit this place, because there was a threat about the sinking of the dunes with the growing of the level of the river, by the Yacyreta dam. It wasn't happened, because the level was at the top a time ago, and the dunes still remain. Anyway, I was thinking in a logical way: the dunes in the dessert, moves themselves with eolic erosion, but is sand that moves over more sand. Here wasn't the same because is sand that moves over the river. That's the reason and a great importance of a dradge system that allows to clean the sand and mantain this beauty. If you're going to visit the dunes, you have to known there is no shadow of threes, no basic services, but you have cellphone signal (Tigo 3G and HSPA) in the docking zone; so, if you want a unforgettable and comfortable day, you have to carry on your own food, your beverages, your own tent, sunshade, chairs or you can rent it from the Naval Prefecture, with Carolina who is there to attend you. More information you can find it on SENATUR, or in the Posadas Turísticas fanpage. Here I try to share everything I can, about my own experience, now I want to know your experience, if it was so charming and beautiful as I had. Come, Paraguay awaits you (slogan from Bienvenido a Paraguay, my "flagship" proyect) |
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