El 23 de febrero de 2011 comenzó el año lectivo escolar en la capital, no así en diversas regiones rurales del país, debido a las lluvias. Como un comentario al margen de mi parte, es irónico cuando en la ciudad se antepone la lluvia como excusa para la inasistencia, siendo que en áreas rurales el transporte es nulo en porcentajes elevados, los caminos intransitables y la mayoría de los niños acuden a pie. La lluvia también estuvo presente en la ciudad, y si bien para las maestras y directoras era símbolo de bonanza, para una sociedad compuesta de una gran cantidad de padres jóvenes era un motivo para no llevar a sus hijos al inicio de clases (no como en mi época donde no existía esa "flexibilidad"). Por eso, los primeros días se trataron sólo de reencuentros, compartir anécdotas de las vacaciones y conocerse entre los compañeritos nuevos y maestras. Pero igual, en este posteo veremos quizás los casos de aquellos niños cuya escuela les queda cerca de la casa, y no hay excusas para no ir el primer día de clases. En 2009, el 70% de los estudiantes no finalizaban la educación media, un índice demasiado alto. Para el ciclo 2011 las metas del Ministerio son altas -como todos los años-, pero aún siguen habiendo escuelas donde reina la precariedad, donde gobiernan las sillas y pupitres rotos, donde la pintura nueva del aula sirvió sólo para una fotografía de 2010 (o 2009 incluso). De esa forma, se genera todo un círculo vicioso donde el ambiente de estudio no es el más propicio ni agradable, y en el que los resultados serán reflejados en las generaciones posteriores. Quizás con el plan 2024 se revierta, lo que significa 2 generaciones completas de niños devenidos en universitarios. Pero más allá de toda la problemática que existe en el apoyo del gobierno a la Educación, a veces se intenta colaborar aunque para mí y muchas otras personas: no es suficiente. El Ministro Riart consiguió que un millón y medio de niños sean beneficiados con los kits escolares (tan criticados anteriormente por su paupérrima calidad), consiguió para algunas escuelas la campaña "una notebook por niño" y cosas así que me hacen pensar en las dietas y presupuestos de gigantescos entes del estado que son más costosos que alimentar un san bernardo en un departamento, y que bien podrían ser destinados a la educación. Después de todo, los niños son el futuro de nuestra patria, y desde chicos aprenden nuestros malos modales de quienes nos gobiernan, quizás debido a nuestra inacción. Por suerte, mi generación -nuestra generación- es la que dentro de 10 años tendrá "la lapicera" (como suelo decir) y estos niños serán universitarios, así que mientras tanto sólo debemos seguir aguantando a los que están arriba, y castigarlos cuando sea nuestro turno. Y en este posteo los protagonistas serán ese futuro de nuestra patria que por ahora desconocen el país que estamos dejando, y quizás deban cargar con el trabajo de levantarlo más adelante. Por lo tanto, para algunos de estos niños la vida comienza hoy, se acabaron el recreo y las vacaciones, bienvenidos a la sociedad. | On February 23rd of 2011, began the school year in the capital, but not in various rural regions of the country due to rain. As an aside on my part, it is ironic when in the city parents use the rain as an excuse for absence, having rural areas where transport is zero at high rates, the roads are impassable and most children go to school walking. Rain was also present today in the city, and while for teachers and principals is a symbol of prosperity, to a society composed of a large number of young parents was a reason for not taking their children to school this first day (unlike my time when there was no such "flexibility"). Therefore, the early days it was just to meet new friends, share stories of vacations and became known among new classmates and teachers. But then, in this posting may see cases of children whose school is near of their home, and they had no excuses for not going the first day of school. In 2009, 70% of students fail to complete secondary education, a rate too high. For the 2011 cycle, the Ministry's goals are high -like all years- yet there are still schools where there is precariousness, where the broken chairs and desks govern, where the new paint the room served only for a photograph of 2010 (or 2009 even). Thus, it generates all a vicious circle where the learning environment is not the most suitable or pleasant, and the results will be reflected in subsequent generations. Perhaps with the 2024 plan it will be reversed, but means 2 whole generations of children-turned-university. Beyond all the problems that exist in government support to education, sometimes they try to help but for me and many others: it is not enough. The Minister Riart got a million and half children, benefited with the school kits (as criticized previously for its very poor quality), and he obtained for some schools the campaign "one notebook per child" and things like that make me think about diet and budgets of huge state agencies that are more expensive than feeding a Saint Bernard in an apartment, and which could be earmarked for education. After all, children are the future of our country and our children learn from the bad ways of those who govern us, perhaps because of our inaction. Luckily, my generation -our generation- is that within 10 years will have "the pen" (as I say) and these children will be college, so meanwhile we just keep holding to those above, and punish them when our turn. And in this posting the protagonists will be the future of our country that meanwhile doesn't know about the country that we are leaving, and may be loaded with work to lift it later. Therefore, for some of these children's life begins today, no more recreation and vacation, welcome to society. |
06:53 - Two kids go to school in Colegio Dante Alighieri during the drizzle morning of the start of the school's year.
7:02 - A father accompanied his daughter to school before heading to work.
Gonzalo grab to the hand of his mother, he now will be in the first grade and is eager to reconnect with mates from last year.
07:15 - The bell rings, the students organized by their teachers start to forming in lines and the school's principal, Asunción Vall welcomes then with a message full of positivism, referring to the drizzle as a symbol of prosperity.
In 1989 I graduated from the School No. 3 Republic of Brazil, to start high school in CEPB. Things changed a lot since the last time I set foot on the school, not that the cyclical time that children are accompanied by their parents on the first day.
A welcome sign adorns the courtyard of the Brazil's School, while on the main stage lies a small mural in honor of the Bicentennial year. In other schools the theme of this year will be the same: which corresponds to the 200 years of nationhood.
Carrying the flag of the motherland is not only recognition for the effort, sacrifice, good behavior and test scores for school life, but also a great responsibility to be overturned in the period of the college. By way of comment, for these students in school life is not easy, because the behavior and customs differ sharply environment.
And children sometimes have dreams come true that parents could not, as in the case of the daughter (left) of my ex-partner of this school, Reinaldo, who achieved the goal she sets, which was to became the flag bearer. As I recall, Reinaldo, I and others of our group were far from this award.
Children from various ages of Brazil's School hear the words of the director and applauded her during the presentation of the teachers. During that presentation, I heard the director explained that teachers accompany the same group each year and will progress grade to grade with them.
Meanwhile, in the Basic School No. 2 "Celsa Speratti", with a rain that grew in intensity, they also performed the presentation of the teachers who accompany students of varying degrees.
A first-grader, loaded with many useful elements, awaiting the start of classes while the principal gave his welcoming remarks at the School Celsa Speratti.
After the summer vacations, many children are reunited with their classmates who probably had no opportunity to share in that period out of school, just like this two girls here who were very happy together just to see themselves again.
At the start of classes means not all smiles, as well as in the case of children, some parents also started to peel off the difficult task of a child on the first day of school.
And for the children who come to school for the first time in the pre-school, this new stage is without doubt one of the most difficult. The sad and resigned faces say it all, they must leave their parents, their houses and deal with this new experience.
One of the pre-school children, with fear watching the development of the class without detach from his mother. Finally, minutes after he entered the class with his cousin to be his companion.
One of the mother takes pictures of her son during his first day of classes in the Pre-School.
At this time, the toys are very important to keep children entertained, and in an environment similar to that of the house, to gain confidence and not being afraid to stay. The teacher then form a circle and start to introduce them to each one and ask questions to get to know among them.
Mateo was the last child to come to class, he was sad and frightened. His father and the teacher tried to make him come inside the class, but he did not dare.
Finally his father entered the class with Mateo, because it was the only way that he was close to the group. Anyway, would stay with him almost the entire class, of way to be gradually losing their fear. As I said before, this is the most difficult for those children very close to their parents, and vice versa.
One of the parents are greeted with her daughter and then leave the classroom door at the request of the teacher, so that children do not have a direct and close contact as their parents and can finally let go.
A small group of parents through the window to their children during their first day of classes in the Pre-School.
After the presentations of each student. It's time to play!
Gracias por seguir la historia hasta aquí. Como lo dije antes, para estos niños la vida comienza hoy, se acabaron las vacaciones y comienzan las primeras experiencias de relacionamiento con los demás, las primeras experiencias de aprendizaje lejos del calor del hogar. De igual modo, me es triste sólo haber podido rescatar estas imágenes de un par de escuelas que me quedaban cerca, porque hubiese querido también participar de esta misma experiencia pero en algunas escuelas rurales, donde la situación es más dura, y los juguetes y facilidades son más escasos. Aquellas escuelitas que con el amor y sacrificio de profesores y padres puede albergar a sus alumnos y ofrecerles un techo (cuando se puede) y sillas, donde recibirán sus primeras enseñanzas. Aquellas escuelitas que a veces parecen olvidadas por el gobierno y por nosotros mismos. Cuando el problema está lejos nuestro sólo lo utilizamos como excusa, pero no nos ponemos en la piel de los que lo viven. Y ese pensamiento rige para prácticamente todo lo que nos rodea. Pero en abril estaré realizando algo similar a esto, sólo que desde el punto de vista de los maestros que se sacrifican viajando largas distancias entre escuelas para poder enseñar, todo sea por la escasez de profesores y por la necesidad de trabajo. A fin de cuentas, lo que debe prevalecer para tener un mejor país, es la educación. | Thanks for following the story here. As I said earlier, life for these children starts today, the holidays are over and begin the first experiences of relationships with others, early learning experiences away from the warmth of home. Similarly, it is sad I have only been able to recover these images of a couple of schools that were close to me because he wanted to also participate in this same experience but in some rural schools where the situation is harder, and toys and facilities are scarce. Those small schools with love and sacrifice of teachers and parents can accommodate students and provide a roof (when possible) and chairs, where they will receive their first lessons. Those small schools sometimes seem forgotten by the government and ourselves. When the problem is far from our only use it as an excuse, but we put in the shoes of those who live. And that thought applies to virtually everything around us. But in April I'll be doing something like this, only from the standpoint of teachers who sacrifice themselves traveling long distances between schools to teach all is because of shortages of teachers and the need to work. After all, what must prevail for a better country, is education. |
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